Reject Unapproved Time Prior to a Specified Date
When employees approve their time, that time will be routed to a supervisor for his/her approval. The supervisor needs to approve or reject that time before it can be imported to Payroll. The supervisor has the ability to reject unapproved time prior to a specified date. The time will be rejected and cancelled from the employee's timesheet.
To reject unapproved time prior to a specified date, follow these steps:
Click Approvals > Time Approval from the left side of the screen...
or click on the Time Entry Approvals Pending tile on the Home page.
A list of employees awaiting your review will appear. Click on an employee.
That employee's unapproved time will appear showing Regular, Overtime, Leave, Total Hours, Miscellaneous, Notes, and Step.
To reject time prior to and including a specified date, click the arrow in the upper right.
A pop-up box will appear giving you the ability to specify a date.
Click OK or Cancel to cancel.
Another pop-up box will appear confirming. Click Yes to reject the time or No to cancel.